Never Stutter Again is an online program for stutterers who desperately want to take back the charge of their life. It's a fluency-enhancing strategy that helps you beat stuttering dead in its tracks by working on your speech from the ground-up.
This program was born out of frustration...
I'll tell you why in a moment...
You see stuttering is seen to be a strange and mysterious phenomena that affects around 1% of the world population. And despite all the advances in science and technology, the so-called experts like us to believe that there’s no known cure for stuttering.
So much that people shudder even at the mere thought of having a 'Cure'.
If you're reading this page, it's likely that you too don't believe that there is a cure for stuttering - at least not yet.
This webite is not going to give you false expectations or tall promises.
This is about giving you 'hope' - a new ray of light.
It's about telling you that not only there is a tunnel out there, but that there's light at the end of the tunnel. A clear bright light that has touched the author of this website.
My name is John Isaac and I am currently residing in Bahrain, a beautiful little island near Dubai.
I started stuttering around the age of 5 and it continued all the way into adulthood.
It ran in my family. My first cousins stutter. My dad stuttered. And if I had let "fate" take it's course...
... I too would have stuttered untill now.
Can you relate to any of this?
If yes, then this website brings you the good news of a stutter-free life, just like the one I'm living now.
I'm a tech entrepreneur as well as an avid writer. I like to dissect human psychology to find out how we can be our best selves and fulfil the potential that life has to offer.