Subscriber Jasmine asks:

"I stammer when I am trying to say words that starts with R. What should I do?"

Thanks Jasmine for sending in your question. I always appreciate subscribers reaching out to me with their questions - it means you trust me 🙂


Try to look back and see... is it really the words starting with R that you stutter on? Or is there something else going on..?

Look at other common words that you stutter on...

See a pattern here?

I think I’ve mentioned this previously in my emails, but let me briefly explain again:

You do not stutter on words that start with R.


You do not stutter on words that start with M.

You do not stutter on words that start with K.

You do not stutter on words that start with P.

No, no, no...

You stutter on words where there is a vowel right after the R.

You stutter on words where there is a vowel right after the M.

You stutter on words where there is a vowel right after the K.

You stutter on words where there is a vowel right after the P.

See, that’s the pattern.

The vowel is the villain, not the consonant.

Because vowel sounds act as brick walls between the first consonant sound and the rest of the word.

That’s one of the main reasons why I highly recommend you join the Never Stutter Again course.

In Never Stutter Again, I show you how to speak effortlessly by breaking down the resistance between consonants and vowels, so you won’t have to struggle to get the words out.

I also teach you a new way to think about the words that you speak - so you no longer think of words "Hard" or "Difficult" - Even a very complex words with many syllables will not seem difficult to you!

You can this and lots more in the Never Stutter Again course.

You can learn more about this course by clicking the link below:

I couldn't believe how easy it was to overcome stuttering until...

Well let me tell you what happened.

The new Samsung Buds i bought weren't fitting my ears.

I got them off a special offer deal they were running here in my neighborhood hypermarket.

The thing comes with different attachments and pieces.

My wife has the Apple Airpods and they come with one size fits all. No struggle with attachments or anything. It just works right out of the box.

But the Samsung ones had a whole lot of things going on...

After about 15 minutes of fighting with, i finally found a combination that works for my ears.

And funnily enough, now i can't live without my buds lol

My point is, the only limitations out there are actually in your mind.

When you've stuttered for years and years, it kinda feels like this is how it's meant to be.

I mean, i only struggled with my ear buds for a few minutes and i concluded "these are not for me".

In the same way, stutterers who've tried many different ways to overcome their speech problem...

... when nothing they try works, they conclude "fluent speech is just not meant for me".

When my wife initially told me to try those different buds attachments, my first reaction was: "Can't you see, they don't fit into my ears!".

In the same way, stutterers sometimes say: "Can't you see! I just can't stop stuttering...i don't have any control over it"

But tell me...

Do you really see "I don't have any control over it"?


The only thing you see with your physical eyes is you not being able to produce vowel sound. That's it.

Everything else you're telling yourself are interpretations you're unconsciously forming in your mind.

So how do you train you mind to get rid of these limitations?

The solution is...

Start speaking fluently first in your mind!

I'll explain:

Most stutterers get attached to their self-image. you can see it when they say 'im a stutterer". That means internally they've come to believe that this is who they are.

So, the first step to speaking fluently to the outside world is to first become a 'fluent speaker" within yourself.

It's about the self-image that you carry.

Think of all the people and all the situations that you stutter in. Then start a mental dialogue with all these people. Do you see yourself stuttering? That's fine.

Repeat the mental dialogue but this time REMIND yourself... that this is not a real situation. It's just in your mind. You're not even physically speaking at this point. You're just THINKING.

Keep doing this for a few minutes a day.

And when you stop stuttering while THINKING, that's when you'll know you're getting somewhere.

An entire chapter in Never Stutter Again is dedicated to this. We show you how to rewire your brain to stop anticipating negative events.

Because most human beings tend to think negatively when they allow their mind to wander.

As you do these exercises daily, you'll start realizing how easy it is to manipulate and train your mind. You'll be armed with knowledge and skills to make your mind do anything you want. Instead of always feeling lack control, you're start feeling more in charge of your life and day to day situations.

Events and situations that were previously difficult, like talking to boss etc, will not fearful any more.

And very soon, people will start complementing you on how you no longer stutter.

For more information about Never Stutter Again and to read what students have to say, click the link below:

Online Course

A subscriber sent me this interesting question...


Hi john,

I was quite fascinated by the idea that you keep on telling repeatingly in your newsletters about the two main causes of stuttering namely anticipation and negative thinking . I read your every newsletter and I follow your advice.

They say that there are three kinds of stuttering :
Neurogenic , psychogenic and developmental.

Now what you talk about is overcoming anticipation and negative beliefs . So can overcoming these two cure all the three kinds of stuttering types?

Next thing is, I was recently researching about stuttering and found that a new technology is coming in developed cities where people can actually remove the memories that they want to remove .Like a complete wash from the brain. So, since conditioning of the brain starts from childhood believing that speaking is an efforting task and this causes us to have speech block which is solely due to us remembering that we'll stutter because of the past experiences that we've had of an embarrassing bad memory of a stuttering experience . So if we can remove all of our bad memories of stuttering, maybe we'll instantly be able to talk fluently because it's a neurological disorder.

So I wanted to ask if it is possible for the so- called CURE of stuttering through this thing.


These are all the right questions! Thanks for sending em my way.

Perhaps, are YOU, the reader, also thinking about this? Are you also wondering if some new technology can cure the stuttering dilemma once and for all?

Let me address it one by one.

So if your stuttering is neurogenic, meaning it appeared after some sort of injury or disease to the central nervous system, then Never Stutter again isn't for you.

However, if you're stuttering is of the other two kinds, like it is for most of the stutterers... then you should consider looking into Never Stutter Again.

The questioner rightly pointed out that the main things we largely address are anticipatory stuttering and elimination of stutter related beliefs. People think it's certain situations that make them stutter, for example talking to boss/elders/authority figures. But that's not true. Situations in itself don't have the power to trigger your stuttering. It's the associated beliefs that act as the triggers.

And then you've got something called "Conditioning". Certain words have been mentally conditioned to be seen as "Difficult". It's this mental conditioning that causes a stutterer to "Anticipate" difficult words... this anticipation spikes up the stress levels, which ultimately causes you to stutter. Of course all this happens so fast, we don't even notice.

So that's why it's important to tackle both of these aspects. And that's what makes our program so solid. In Never Stutter Again, we walk you through several different processes and exercises to help you overcome both, the stutter beliefs and anticipatory stuttering. Students who have diligently followed the processes have been reporting back with stellar results... we've compiled some of it here:


Secondly, about the new technology that supposedly washes away memories...

Look, I'm all for science. I don't deny a cure simply because it sounds strange or out-of-the-world. As someone who used to stutter badly and now recovered, i for one deeply believe that anything is possible. So it's likely possible that such a tech may be developed and be in our hands in the next 2 to 3 decades. Past experience tells me it won't happen anytime soon.

It was maybe FIFTEEN years ago when this news made headlines that scientists have discovered the gene in our DNA that's responsible for stuttering. I also read, ages ago, that they've discovered some electromagnetic therapy that can heal stuttering.

Honestly, if I was you, I wouldn't pin my hope on those discoveries. Just notice the pattern... they make headlines for some time... and then they totally disappear.

Again, i'm not denying these technologies can't exist in near or distant future... all i'm saying is let's be realistic and work on something more tangible - something in which you have the confidence you can achieve results this year, this month, this week. Not 2 decades later.

So coming back to the main point about this future technology that can remove memories....

... I'd like to challenge that it's not the memories that cause stuttering and stammering. For example, think about Rain. In London, rain is associated with gloom. Winters and rain are sad. But in Africa or the Middle East, rain is a blessing. It's associated with happiness. It's the same rain. The rain isn't causing these feelings. It's certain beliefs and conditionings people associate with it that's causing those feelings. Makes sense?

Similarly, it's not really the memories that you wanna get rid of. It's the beliefs and conditionings ASSOCIATED with those memories that you wanna deal with. And that's exactly what you learn how to do in Never Stutter Again course. No other course tackles stuttering as thoroughly as we do in respect with dealing with stutter-related beliefs. So if that's something you'd like to do, and overcome stuttering in the process....

...visit the below link to read more about Never Stutter Again and get your copy:


On a Facebook stuttering group that I belong to, a member recently asked this question:

"Would you lose a finger to have your stutter removed?"

The answers ranged from "No" to "Depends, whose finger are you talking about?!"

The last one made me laugh - haha.

But jokes apart, questions like these actually have a deep hidden meaning inside of them.

For example, with this question, I think what the member actually wanted to ask was:

"How badly do you want to get rid of your stuttering?"

Not too long ago, a subscriber sent me an email saying that he wanted to commit suicide because he was unable to overcome his stuttering.

Surely, losing a finger is better than losing your life yeah?


Don't quote me on that.

Keep your finger and your life.

Let me help you get started towards a stutter-free speech without having to lose anything. Except some time.

This concept may sound too simple BUT it's the most important thing you can learn to start speaking more fluently. Trust me, if you get THIS, you'll be far head of the curve already.

Now, you might not 'get it' the first time. May be not even the second time. But do this repeatedly every day and at some point the truth will strike out at you. That's when you'll know. You'll get the 'aha' feeling. So keep looking for this 'aha' moment inside of you while you do the below....

What I am talking about is... in one word....



Learn to trust yourself.

"What the heck John! I thought you're gonna give me some secret woodoo magic pill! Don't lecture me about love and trust.. eww!"

That's whachya thinkin 'eh? I thought so.

But hang on with me homie...

Lemme x'plain.

Now look, just like your body is fully capable of breathing, blinking and walking on its own, without your instructions...

Your body is also designed to be fully capable of handling SPEAKING.... on it own.

But the problem is that, deep down inside you, you don't trust your body's capability of doing that.

You're tryna out-smart yourself.

Or as the sages say, "You're getting in your own way".

When I heard that the first time, it made no sense to me.

But then I realized how clear and remarkable this truth was. Like it was sitting right there in front of me the whole time and I never saw it.

Here's an example to make this more clear

Imagine yourself driving a car. Do you consciously have to make an effort to remember where the brakes are? Do you have instruct yourself all the time about how to switch from the accelerator to the brakes whenever needed? Do you have to tell yourself how to move the steering wheel while making a turn? You don't do you?

And why is that?

Because you trust your body's capability of handling all that on it's own.

Imagine how difficult and stressful it would be if you had to do all that MANUALLY... with your conscious effort.

Wouldn't that turn driving into a nightmare?

It surely would.

But listen, driving a car is NOTHING compared to SPEAKING.

Speaking is a much more complex phenomena as compared to driving car. While driving, you using 20 maybe 30 different muscles of you body. But while speaking, you're using HUNDREDS of muscles and neurons of you body. There's a whole damn SHOW that takes place inside of your brain when you open your mouth and move your tongue to say a pithy little word.

And yet, we don't TRUST our body to handle that.

We think we can take charge of it and plan what to say and how to say and we plan how to breath and we plan how to focus on the abdominal muscles and plan on how to control the vowels...

And all this planning leads to FAILURE.

Why? Because your conscious mind CANNOT handle this task. It's not meant to. This is job that your body/subconscious is designed to handle.

So get out of your way.

Let your body do the work.

Allow yourself to 'relax' while your subconscious mind takes care of this complex task called 'Speaking'.

Here's another tip to help you make this concept more clear

Look for metaphors. Metaphors that make sense to you. For example Ruth Meade says "Speech is a river". That's a great metaphor. You can't control the flow of river. Let the river of your speech flow and take on it's own course. Let it do its job.

The other metaphor I really like is to think of a car mechanic. I am no good at cars. But that mechanic - he knows his stuff. So when my car breaks down, I just 'outsource' my car fixing to the mechanic - and then I bloddy TRUST the mechanic. I don't poke my nose in his business. He knows how to fix my car. I let him do that.

Similarly, when I'm speaking, I "Outsource my speech" to my subconscious mind. The subconscious mind.... oh it's the best speech mechanic you'll ever find.

So there you go.

Think about this every day. Let this idea sink into your brain day by day. Let this concept embrace you. Trust yourself. Give into it. And like the kids song says....

"Let it go"

- John Isaac

P.S. Click Here To Learn More About The Stuttering Course

God is great!

There's this couple I know who's been trying to conceive for a long time.

After about eight long years of trying and going through fertility treatments, they're finally pregnant with their first child...

.... which brings me to a very important topic I wanted to discuss with you today: What your "Beliefs" have to do with stuttering

Let me explain.

Almost all of our behaviours and feelings are caused by beliefs and conditionings.


It's caused by beliefs like:

- Mistakes and failure are bad
- I’m not good enough
- What makes me good enough or important is doing things perfectly


Approach anxiety?

It's caused by beliefs like:

- I’m a bother to people
- Relationships are difficult
There’s something wrong with me
- Women don’t want to be bothered


- People are not interested in what I have to say
- If I don't speak fluently it means I am stupid
- Stuttering makes me look like a fool

So how do you know whether you have a specific belief or not?


Just say the belief out loud and see if you emotionally connect with it or not.

If it resonates deep down within you...

Even if a tiny bit of it feels true to you...

It means you have that belief.

Sometimes, as grownup adults, we have a difficult time acknowledging that we have these negative beliefs.

Often people feel acknowledging such beliefs is a sign of weakness, so they suppress knowledge of any such beliefs.

In order to not appear weak, some clients would say things like "Well 90% of it has gone, I just have work on myself a little".


Sorry for the lack of a better example....

But these beliefs about stuttering - they're like carrying a child in the womb, you're either pregnant or you're not. There's no "sort of".

You either have these negative beliefs or you don't. There's no "little bit"!

So my point is, if these belief statements feel true to you at any level, it means it is influencing your stuttering behaviour, regardless of whether or not you acknowledge it's existence.

How to get rid of these beliefs?

Step number one is to open your mind to this whole idea of the relation between stuttering and beliefs.

Step number two is to be aware and start noticing what you are thinking and feeling during the moments when you get speech blocks.

In Never Stutter Again, I teach you how to find these underlying beliefs and what the sources of these beliefs are.

Then I walk you through a step by step process of dissolving these beliefs. Trust me, it's easier than it sounds.

I don't know of any other course that approaches stuttering from this angle.

That's why I call it a "mindset" training. Because it doesn't teach you a bunch of tricks or shortcuts, it literally re-wires your brain for a clear, stutter-free speech.

But it only works if you put the effort and make it work.

There ain't no magic pill!

Still interested?

Get the course here: 

There's a show on Netflix that I've been watching nonstop the last few days...

It's called the "Arrow".

It's all about vigilantes taking up the law and villians trying to destroy the 'Starling City'.

In season 2 of Arrow, they talk about Mirakuru.

It's was hidden deep in the forests of Lian Yu, an Island in the North China sea where Oliver Queen was deserted for five years.

They finally managed to get the Mirakuru but it falls into the wrong hands, aka Slade Wilson.

Oliver Queen spends a couple episodes to get it out of Slade, who wants to avenge his girlfriend's death.

But what's Mirakuru, you ask.

According to legend, it's a serum developed by Japanese soldiers during World War II that supposedly gives you super powers and great physical strength. So you inject Mirakuru and you become a super human, just like that.

As I look back at my younger days, I think I too was looking for a stuttering mirakuru....

... something like a miracle cure that will magically fix my broken speech without doing anything.

If you're like that too, I got bad news for ya:

There ain't no magical serum in real life.

In real life, if you want to something about your stuttering, this is what you do:

1. Break free from the stuttering 'Anticipation' chain

2. Identify and get rid of specific limiting beliefs about your stuttering

3. Work on your physiology to remove the 'Effort Factor' from your speech

4. Use some temporary aids to help you with removing speech blocks for the short term

I know...

This sounds way too boring as compared to poking a woodoo needle in yourself lol

But there's a good reason for this.

Because even the so-called Mirakuru had it's downsides.

It actually made people worse. Slade Wilson went on a killing rampage when he was under the influence of this drug. Oliver Queen had to find a "Cure" for the Mirakuru!

It's the same for stuttering.

Any time you attempt to use a 'quick fix', you'll notice that your stutter and stammer comes back after some time. It's called "Relapse". And guess what, now you're looking for a way to "cure" the relapse!

There's a much better way, seriously.

And it's laid out in my course called 'Never Stutter Again'. But let me tell you it's not for evreryone.

Specifically not for those looking for their own version of mirakuru.

One thing I learned after watching 'Arrow' is that even superheroes need patience to do anything worthwhile.

You'd need patience too if you ever want to break free from the stuttering cycle.

If this is something up your alley, I'd like to invite you to read more about my stuttering course and take it for a ride.

Here's where to go next:


Robots are coming…

Sooner than you think, McDonald’s will replace all its human employees with touch screens to take your order.

The OLD me would have been absolutely thrilled about this news.

Because it would have meant I had to talk to one less person.

And one less person would hear my stutter.

I say the "old" me because I found the specific strategy for un-learning my stutter.

(Actually, it was a mix of several strategies for stuttering… easy to remember, and just as easy to use… and never compiled like this before, anywhere.)

Now I can order f-f-ffffries and ch-ch-cheeseburgers seamlessly.

I don’t think about it.

I don’t stress.

I no longer have to anxiously weigh out EVERY human interaction.

People without a stutter don’t realize that not being able to express yourself is one of the most frustrating experiences anyone can go through.

Having something funny or smart to say but not having the ability to say it is agonizing.

It feels like one of those nightmares where you try to scream but can’t.

You didn't ask to be given this curse, so don't ever think about feeling stupid.

People used to tell me it was "just the way I was." I refused to accept this.

There were times as a child that people thought my stutter was "cute."

In a way, it made me cling to my stutter like a security blanket. So of course none of the therapists or professionals were able to treat me.

NONE of them had ever even stuttered anyway!

Nothing worked for me because nobody understands how to treat the underlying cause behind the stutter.

If you’re anything like me, your stutter is woven deep into your thought processes. So deep it’s unconscious much of the time. But there’s a simple way to cut it out.

My one-of-a-kind mindset training, paired with my specialized strategies designed ESPECIALLY to eliminate stuttering, is now available.

This self-built training is forged out of thousands of hours of trial and error.

Thousands of hours of embarrassment and wanting to just disappear out of social situations.

And I went through all this struggle so you don’t have to.

Now, nobody would ever guess I used to stutter.

All those times that strangers smirked at me or girls wouldn’t give me a chance are just fading memories I never have to pull up again.

So check it out. People all over the world are using this to overcome their stuttering with "Never Stutter Again."

I might have just started a movement.

If it worked for me, it will work for ANYBODY.

You be the judge. Click here and check out Never Stutter Again.

I LOVE shopping at IKEA...

But I always get someone else to assemble the parts. Brother, friend or whoever chimes along.

I've tried doing it myself in the past, but I get to the first picture where it shows the guy with the frown face and the big question mark.... and that's it! I'm done. lol

Way too confusing!

So I’ll admit, there’s a lot of simple stuff that confuses the heck out of me...

...but understanding how to overcome stuttering isn’t one of them.

One thing that's clear is that even if your stuttering is genetic, you can still manage to get a grip on it.

Like Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of 'Biology of Belief' said:

“We are not victims of our genes, but masters of our fates, able to create lives overflowing with peace, happiness, and love.”

He also says:

"...research illustrates that by changing your perception, your mind can alter the activity of your genes and create over thirty thousand variations of products from each gene..."

So if you were thinking that you're life-bound with stuttering and stammering just because it runs in your family, I'd love to break the news to you that it's entirely possible to regain your naturally fluency back.

That's why I recommend you the 'Never Stutter Again' online course.

I built Never Stutter Again with simplicity and speed in mind.

If I was going to develop a system like this, it had to be easy to understand, and it had to work for anyone.

Here are just some of the things you'll learn inside the Never Stutter Again course:

That's just the tip of the iceberg.

Frankly speaking I've never seen any other course like this.

Simply put - This is the missing piece of the stuttering puzzle.

If you're interested to read more about this course, just click the link below and read the letter I've prepared for you.

Click Here To Read More About Course

I think there's a huge misconception out there that those who suffer from stuttering must have had a very traumatic childhood...

Or that stutterers have very negative and damaging beliefs about themselves.

I think that's not true at all, I think that's complete BS.

I did not have a traumatic childhood...

Not at all.

In fact I had a very fun and jolly childhood.

The negative beliefs that I talk about in the Never Stutter Again course - these are the same beliefs every other kid - even you and I - would have formed if we had similar circumstances.

It's just that if someone is already genetically vulnerable and prone to stuttering...

...it's gonna manifest on his speech more than anywhere else.

That's the difference.

So yeah, these negatives beliefs are not unique to stutterers.

I'll give you one example:

When I was a kid in school, the teachers used to ask us questions - and the intelligent kids would be the first ones to raise their hands and chant "Can I answer! Can I answer!"

The kids used to answer the question.

But sometimes the teacher would go "Are you sure that's the correct answer??!"

"Are you sure John??"

And sometimes these rhetorical questions would come with a touch of shame and humiliation.

To the point the kid would start doubting himself...

"Was my answer wrong?"

"Did I say something wrong?"

If this happens to you over and over and over again, then eventually your mind is going to conclude:

"If I am being asked a question it means I have said or done something wrong!"

It's not really a conscious decision that you're making... rather it happens on a subconscious level...

And now this belief is implanted in you.

90% of us have this believe - I've seen it with so many people. Someone says something and I respond back saying "what? What did you say?"

That's enough to trigger hesitation and self-doubt in people.

Now, because most people are not genetically prone to stuttering... they won't stutter on this. But for sure you can see them doubting themselves.

As you may agree by now, these beliefs are not unique to stutterers.

These are not the kind of beliefs that only a person with traumatic childhood would have formed.

Stutterers do have a few additional beliefs though - that are specific to their stuttering. It's like which came first... chicken or egg? I don't know whether these beliefs came first or stuttering....

But the procedure of removing these beliefs are the same.

Some of these are:

"Stuttering makes me look bad"

"If I stutter it means I am stupid"

"If I stutter I am dumb"

And then there are hidden beliefs layered upon each other...

For example lets say you have this belief "People are gonna laugh at me if I stutter"

Ok so what?

"Well.. If people laugh at me it means I am dumb"

Ok so what?

"Hmm... if I am dumb it means I cannot survive!"

Most of the beliefs like this one can be digged deeper and deeper until you uncover a belief that's threatening your survival and existence.

The belief elimination process as explained in the course help you discover these beliefs.

And then it shows you a technique that makes you cut the roots of these beliefs so that they no longer control you.

This is not something airy fairy.

When you apply the process on yourself, the change you see and feel is REAL.

I mean, just imagine if you don't have this belief any more: "If I am being asked a question it means something is wrong with me".

You'd be able to see the change instantly. You'd simply never feel any hesitation if anyone asks you something.

And that's just one scenario.

Every scenario that you stutter in... has a deeply rooted belief or set of beliefs that's triggering your stutter.

You can't really pick these beliefs while you're talking to someone. They operate on a under-the-radar level.

The process I teach in 'Never Stutter Again' helps you bring these beliefs to the surface. And when that happens, when you realize what specific belief was causing you to stutter and stammer in similar patterns of situations...

You're going to react like "Why the heck I didn't realize that before?!"

That's how obvious and real it becomes.

I talk more about this in my 'Daily Stuttering Tips' email newsletter.

To join my newsletter, click the link below and sign up:

Click Here To Learn More About The Course

Is stuttering complicated?

You bet!

If it was simple, we wouldn't even be talking about it now.

I mean if you have a cold, just drink plenty of fluids and get some rest.

If you run out of gas in your car, go fill it up!

Simple problems require only simple solutions.

But if you stutter....

... there isn't any simple solution.

That's why I think it's important for us to see why Titanic sank!

"Wait, what?! Titanic? What do you mean??"


The captain of Titanic probably looked out and saw this little iceberg and thought his ship was unsinkable....

So he said: "Full speed ahead!"

What he did NOT see was the 90% of the iceberg that was under the water. And the ship sank...

... because he didn't really understand the power of an iceberg.

If the captain of Titanic was a Stuttering Therapist, he'd be a very lousy one!

If he really was a good therapist, he would've known that he wasn't seeing the whole iceberg - he was only seeing the tip of it.

You see, stuttering is like an iceberg, with only a small part above the waterline and a much bigger part below the water.

The audible part of stuttering is just the tip of the iceberg . it's just 10% of the problem. The rest of the iceberg, the 90 percent below the waterline, is invisible. And that is where the emotional baggage lies.

All those emotions of fear, shame, guilt, anxiety, hopeless, isolation, denial... that's what we don't see, because it's hidden.

So if we attack just the top of the iceberg, we're not really addressing the whole problem, are we?

Using quick-fixes to treat stuttering is like attacking the tip of the iceberg, if you don't do anything about the emotional part (which accounts for 90% of stuttering)...

... what's going to happen after sometime is...


In my Never Stutter Again Daily Newsletter, I about dealing with this 90% - The emotional part that's responsible for your stuttering.

I will be up-front and honest with you. Your stutter will not disappear overnight. This is not a magic pill. It's mindset training.

Don't be like the lousy Titanic sailer. Attack stuttering from the ground-up and start experiencing an effortless speech without those annoying speech blocks. Do this and the visible part of your stuttering (the tip of the iceberg) will take care of itself.

Click Here To Learn More About The Course

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